This is the best and most advanced Salajeet. This is the famous Salajeet, known as 'Aftabi Salajeet'.
Benefits of Salajeet:
It is very useful for back pain, physical weakness, male weakness, shortness of breath, migraine, joint pain, muscle spasm and internal injury.
Because of its over 85 minerals and vitamins found in sludge, it is very useful in boosting diabetes, ulcers, ant aging, mucus building, wound, fracture and post testosterone.
Salajeet should not be used in the case of uric acid abuse in the body. Blood pressure patients cannot use Salajeet.
Salajeet can be used in both summer and cold seasons.
However! It should be used in the summer with milk.
The way to do this is to mix the Salajeet into the milk after heating it. Let the milk cool down or keep it in the refrigerator. Then use cold milk.
The advantage would be that the sludge will definitely do its job, but using the milk cool in the heat will not produce excess heat in the body.
Because milk is a normal diet. If you use it warm, it produces heat in the body. If you use it cool, it produces cooling in the body.
There is every kind of guarantee that Salajeet is pure and standard.